Trumpet - Francis De Moura

"I've tried a lot of instruments, but the seriousness of Warburton, a manufacturer with over 40 years of experience, I was sure they would be excellent trumpets.
The intonation and projection are extremely accurate. Execution is great and ideal for working as a lead trumpet: it blends very well. When working as a soloist, by changing the mouthpiece, it becomes a completely different horn. No matter how much air I put in, it won't shut off or allow it to be exaggerated. Things are easier with Warburton.
I highly recommend buying these trumpets and mouthpieces. It will really make a difference to your playing. All my friends who tried it were impressed by the high technology."- Francis De Moura
Lead: Craig Konicek
Other Work: 3ESV
Series 80 6 (with B taper)
New York
Warburton 33T ML
Francis De Moura is an up and coming trumpet player in Brazil.
We were happy to meet him at the Jazz Trumpet Festival in Brazil in 2016. He plays lead trumpet with the Pró - Jazz Orchestra, from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, as well as in a quintet called Da Mata Jazz Project. He currently is also giving private lessons and recording with a horn section, as well as helping with promotions for the Jazz Trumpet Festival. He was formerly a member of the band of the 10th Mountain Infantry Battalion, and has a very promising future in his new endeavors.