Series 80 Trumpet and Cornet Backbores

Front Row (Backbores):
Trumpet -- Cornet -- British Cornet -- Series 80 Cornet -- Series 80 Trumpet
Back Row (Tops):
Anchor Grip -- Trumpet/Cornet -- British Cornet
1, 2, 3 - Our tightest commercial sounding backbores. These models have a concentrated and intense sound. The #3 is the most popular of this series. If offers a bright, projecting sound that is great for lead players and outdoor work.
4, 5, 6 - Tight to medium. With progressively less resistance, these models produce a bright and very projecting tone. The #5 is by far our most popular with strong lead players.
Q Backbore - New in 2004, the Q is our most aggressive backbore, preferred by lead players who also need to maintain dominance in the middle register without spreading or over-loosening their chops. More info on the Q backbore...
Qm Backbore - New in 2008, the Qm is a slight modification to the Q backbore. A modified taper in the venturi section slightly compresses the air column to increase velocity before releasing the air into the main body of the backbore. The result - An exciting commercial sound with an intense center.
NY Backbore - This backbore was inspired by the sound of the old Giardinelli #3 (default) backbore made popular by Maynard and others in the '70's. The New York sound was broad, bright, and acoustically loud - which are also the qualities of this backbore. Resistance is just a bit tighter than our #5.
KT Backbore - Added to the line in mid 1987, this backbore appeals to commercial/lead players and is characterized by its projection and secure slotting of notes above high C. The comparative resistance falls in the 4, 5, 6 series.
7, 8, 9 - Medium large sizes. The #7 has been the best selling model because it provides a good balance of sound quality acceptable in the orchestra as well as the concert band. Models #8 and #9 are very well received by the orchestra player who appreciates the increased volume of sound with less resistance.
10, 11, 12 - Very large "Symphonic" sizes. These models have very little resistance and offer the strong player the potential for the ultimate in full, rich sound.
We offer two styles of Series 80 trumpet backbores:
The STANDARD Series - Our standard series models have long established themselves as the most popular choice for nearly any playing situation.
The STAR Series - These were designed to allow each of the STANDARD models to be more free blowing without the necessity of reaming to a larger bore size. This is important because the quality of sound remains the same without the risk of losing focus sometimes caused by playing of too large bore size. Since these models were made available, the medium large sizes (7* to 10*) have been very well received in the orchestral trumpet community.